T.R. Maloney

TR Maloney
Name: T.R. Maloney
Position: Sr. OEM Sales Manager
Year Started: 2016
The best thing about being a part of the Cane Creek family is…the family spirit is real. We have employees that have worked here for 30+ years! We all know each other and care about each other like brothers and sisters. I love coming to the office every day. We work together, ride together and make and design amazing products we believe in.
What you’ll find me doing on the weekends: Riding bikes with my wife, hiking and enjoying the mountain life. Oh yeah, you may also find me ripping down mountain roads on my motorcycle at slightly above posted speed limits. 
 How I got here (at Cane Creek): In 1993 I volunteered to work at a bike shop for zero pay to learn the ropes, worked my way to bike mechanic, then sales associate, then bike store manager, to bike fitter to product manager and then finally joined the Cane Creek family as OEM Sales Manager. I am happy to have found my cycling home at Cane Creek after a fantastic 25-year journey to get here!