Sam Anderson

Sam Anderson
Name: Sam Anderson
Position: Brand Manager
Year Started: 2014
The best thing about being a part of the Cane Creek family is…: Having some of my best friends employed here together is a real treat. In fact for 2 years, three of us were roommates, ride buddies, and co-workers. The entire company as a whole is truly an extended family – I wouldn’t exchange it for anything. 
What you’ll find me doing on the weekends: When I’m not riding, I’m either building trails or playing music. 
How I got here: I grew up down the street (literally down Cane Creek road) and built trails on private land 2 miles from Cane Creek. For a time I was the mysterious “Fletcher freeride kid”. When some of the engineers at the time needed a place to test new product, they found out about 16-year-old Sam’s trails and soon they were using me as a “Local Shock Tester” and I dreamt of one day officially working at Cane Creek. 6 years later I was hired on as a Marketing Coordinator have loved working here ever since.