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Being Frank: Where Are The Bikes?

Garage packed with bikes, Litespeed on display

Being Frank: Where Are The Bikes? Brent Graves- President and CEO From first-time buyers to cycling enthusiasts the last year-and-a-half has been frustrating for those looking to buy a new bike or parts. But you may not really know why. While this installment of Being Frank will mostly answer that question, one brief blog cannot […]

From Building Trails to Brand Manager: How I Got Here

wooden feature in the woods

From Trail Builder to Brand Manager: How I Got Here Sam Anderson – Brand Manager Although it has been almost 7 years since I started working at Cane Creek, my connection with this company began 5 years before my first day hitting the payroll in 2014. My parents moved to Western North Carolina in 2002 when I […]

Being Frank: Our 7 Tenets

Company Photo

Being Frank: Our 7 Tenets Over thirty years I have worked for a number of companies in the bike industry, and while none were perfect, all had good intentions to deliver products riders would appreciate. It is common, consultants would say “best practice”, to translate those intentions into a company vision, a mission statement, and […]

Self-Care and a New Career

Cyclists Viewing Landscape

Self-Care and a New Career Jenna Toney – Rider Engagement Manager Though it feels like a chapter I closed a long time ago, I left my last job just under a year ago. I worked with survivors of sexual assault and child sexual abuse at the Julie Valentine Center, a nonprofit in Greenville, SC. I […]

Being Frank: All Cranked Up

eeWings 165mm on Gray Background Detailed Slider

Being Frank: All Cranked Up Brent Grave-CEO & President Time seems to uncover the truth. As days roll into years, more facts surface to eventually overcome uninformed opinions, misinformation, and stupidity. Sometimes it takes many years, but time has limitless patience! With that said, I am going to revisit my Being Frank blog from May […]

Hindsight. Moving During a Pandemic

Matt Schurtz Smiling

Hindsight. Moving During a Pandemic. Matt Schurtz- Rider Engagement Representative You could hear a pin drop it was so quiet. Everyone in the conference room sat shocked at the news of Trust Performance closing. Some of us only with the company for a little over a year, others there from its inception. It was like […]

Being Frank: Not Only for Shaggy-Haired Enduro Riders

Road Riders Descending

Being Frank: Not Only for Shaggy-Haired Enduro Riders Brent Graves-CEO & President Our name is Cane Creek Cycling Components, though we are almost always referred to as just “Cane Creek”. However, our full name is important in that “cycling” refers to not just one or two cycling disciplines but all of them. Over time trends […]

Building A New Website During The Great Bicycle Shortage Of 2020 & 2021

Man riding litespeed with eeSilk

Building a New Website During The Great Bicycle Shortage of 2020 & 2021 Colin Reis- Manager of Digital Engagement In January of this year Cane Creek launched a new website – a project that eight months prior was shut down due to the pandemic.  The first two weeks of April 2020 were… uncertain. We shut […]

Being Frank: eeBarkeep

eeBarkeeps on Norco XC Bike

Being Frank: eeBarkeep Brent Graves-CEO & President Sometimes (most times?) in life things don’t work out as we think they should. This goes for products as well. While we certainly don’t have a crystal ball at Cane Creek, our historical sales data, market research, competitive analyses, and testing usually provide us a fair indication of […]

Life’s Short- Why be an Accountant?

Accounting Image James Guest Blog

Life’s Short-Why be an Accountant? James Ivey- Controller Ask any classroom full of elementary school kids what they want to be when they grow up.  What kind of answers do you get?  Firefighter, police officer, veterinarian, doctor, astronaut? Eh – you may get a few of those sprinkled in here or there, but the vast […]

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