Being Frank – David vs. Goliath vs. David
Twenty-five years ago, I was the proud father of my first bike line, and many of those Diamond Back (as it was spelled back then) models included Shimano’s Rapidfire Plus shifters. The shifters were a major improvement over the original Rapidfire shifters introduced a few years earlier. However, the next year saw RapidFire Plus […]
Let’s talk tech!
Cane Creek presents technical clinics to professional bike mechanics at Professional Bicycle Mechanics Association Technical Workshop in Atlanta, GA The Professional Bicycle Mechanics Association, led by president James Stanfill, exists to promote, develop, and facilitate the education of professional bicycle mechanics. Throughout the year, PBMA hosts several Technical Workshops in key locations to provide […]
Being Frank – “EVIL” Standards
“An industry standard is a generally accepted set of criteria within an industry relating to the standard function, specification, and/or compatibility of a product or operation.” Want to ignite an incendiary response from the forum trolls? Just say there’s a “new standard” for a bicycle product. As a consumer that cherishes product of good […]
Being Frank – Best American Bike Racer
I rode Tomac off my wheel, and despite knowing that he was ill, recently retired, and not training, it was a surreal experience – one I’ll never forget and one he’ll never remember! For those of you not familiar with arguably the best American bicycle racer to date (“All-time” is a stupid thing to […]
Being Frank – No Greed Here
If it was not so inaccurate and frequent, it probably would not bother me so much. But seemingly a week cannot go by without someone commenting how a “greedy bicycle company” did this or that. As I write this it dawns on me how hilariously off-the-mark such comments are. Actually, it can be argued […]
eeWings – Guaranteed to Last
The Toughest Cranks – Guaranteed Cane Creek eeWings now come with a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee. Regardless of the reason, a rider can return their eeWings to the place of purchase within 30 days for a full refund. That’s in addition to the existing 10-year warranty. In honor of our new guarantee, watch as Jeff […]
Being Frank – The Balanced Bike
Some good ideas get buried under Marketing. While unfortunate this is not surprising, particularly in this day and age of ever shorter attention spans, immediate stimulus requirements, and more and more brands trying to grab a piece of the market pie. But that is for another blog. This blog is about one of those […]
Being Frank – Why Be Different?
Not that it is my aim to defend a competitor, but the recent launch and subsequent dialogue around Cannondale’s new Lefty Ocho raises an interesting, if not common, debate. Some ask or challenge why it is better to do a single-sided fork, and if it is not better, then they suggest that it should […]
Being Frank – Think before you type
Brent Graves – CEO & President Let me be… um, frank. Some forum commenters are losers. Unwilling to use their real names, these commenters pontificate without accountability, common sense, tact, and in many cases knowledge. There have always been these types in the crowd, and I expect there will always be. But in the age […]
Being Frank – Fun Never Goes Out Of Style
WARNING: This blog is not limited to topics related to Cane Creek or even bicycles for that matter. However it will always be true to its title and offer my candid view on things. Odds are that you’ll see connections between anything I write about and bicycles – or at least things with wheels […]